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Mission and Values

The mission of the Ola Grimsby Institute is to provide the highest quality integrated manual therapy education to currently practicing orthopedic outpatient manual therapists. The program’s aim is to develop a competent and autonomous professional capable of diagnosing and caring for patients with neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction. To this end, the program is dedicated to strategic initiatives and continuous improvement. The institute strives to support, encourage, and facilitate the pursuit of excellence in orthopedic patient care by advancing the skills and intellectual competency of the clinician and by encouraging and requiring clinically relevant research. The resident is to understand, synthesize, and apply scientific knowledge, manual skills, and critical thinking to patient assessment and intervention. This will be assessed with written, oral, and practical examinations to check competency along with outcome study evaluations. Our goal is to enable our residents to design scientifically-based treatments for the health of each individual patient, resulting in a reduced number of treatments and improved outcomes.

Achieving Our Mission By:

  • Offering certificate programs and degree programs in manual therapy.
  • Offering continued education courses for not only physical therapists (PTs), but physical therapy assistants (PTAs), athletic trainers (ATCs), and orthopedic therapists (OTs).
  • Providing a supportive, student-centered learning environment, which enables students to meet their educational and career goals and achieve positive learning outcomes.
  • Using a skills-based and outcomes-based approach to education.
  • Providing excellent educational programs and services to students on-site and online that meet student, employer, and community needs.

Residency Mission

The mission of the Ola Grimsby Institute Residency Program is to provide the highest quality integrated orthopedic manual physical therapy education to develop competent, autonomous professionals capable of diagnosing and caring for patients with neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction.

Fellowship Mission

The mission of the OGI Fellowship program is to encourage the Fellows-in-Training (FITs), instructors, and clinical mentors to be life-long learners in the art and science of orthopedic manual therapy (OMT). The program serves to develop an initial pathway for FITs to move toward clinical mastery in OMT with a foundation in clinical science, critical thinking, and evidence-guided practice. Promoting a culture of mentoring mentors, pedagogy, and teamwork crafts a community for students and instructors that are constantly pushing each other to do better than it has been done before. Teaching is an inspiration.


The Ola Grimsby Institute philosophy centers on outcome-based learning. OGI encourages students to work to achieve their highest potential while in working their clinical practice. The OGI strives for excellence and quality in everything it does and instills in its students the same aspirations.

People Helping People

The faculty and administration of the Ola Grimsby Institute believe in the power of people helping people, and we strive to apply this belief to the students, faculty, staff, therapists, and patients associated with the Institute. We believe that when one person is helped, everyone is a little better at it. We are therefore dedicated to helping as many people as possible by expanding the practice of orthopedic manual physical therapy based on clinical expertise and the most current understanding of the human neuro-muscular-skeletal systems.  As an internationally-focused, professional, education consortium, we design all of our programs with respect to the social, cultural, and professional implications unique to each region in which our programs are offered. This means that elements such as curricula, presentations, and pricing structures are designed to serve the students and their patients in each unique part of the world where the Ola Grimsby Institute operates.

Knowledge & Practice

The Institute believes that a physical therapist’s competence is developed through the pursuit of active learning in two domains:

  •  Knowledge – Integrating a thorough understanding of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanical function with the process of clinical reasoning, analysis, diagnosis, and decision-making.
  • Practice – Extensive hands-on experience with patients to achieve advanced manual skills for assessment and intervention of movement dysfunction.

On-going Education

The Institute believes that the professional development of the physical therapist is an ongoing and continuous path; therefore, one of the Institute’s responsibilities is to provide practicing physical therapists and other healthcare professionals with instructional programs in outpatient orthopedic manual therapy that are current and inclusive of evolving research.

The progression of our ongoing professional education programs includes Clinical Certification, followed by the Residency Program, and Fellowship Certification; both of these programs are credentialed by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).