STEP 1 Shoulder and Elbow

STEP 1 Shoulder and Elbow
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STEP 1: Shoulder and Elbow

Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progression (STEP), the premier exercise course series from the Ola Grimsby Institute, has a curriculum that focuses on exercise rehabilitation for tissue repair (mechanotherapy), joint mobilization, motor control, coordination, endurance, strength training and athletic function. STEP 1 emphasizes applying these principles to pathologies of the shoulder and elbow (impingement, tendinopathy, adhesive capsulitis, scapular dyskinesia, lateral epicondylalgia, etc.) Emphasis on exercise concepts of dosage, design and progression will allow the clinician to develop their own rehabilitation programs for the shoulder and elbow. This course is taught by seasoned instructors that use this curriculum every day in the clinic.

The extensive curriculum taught in the STEP series has a foundation in advanced manual therapy education. Its origin is from the Norwegian School of MTT or MET (Medical Training Therapy / Medical Exercise Therapy). With over 50 years of clinical application, these courses are designed to teach the clinician to think—designing their own exercises, or modifying classic ones, to specifically address each impairment of the patient. Current principles in work physiology and clinical evidence guide the participants on a path to critical thinking that empowers clinicians to create, rather than reproduce. Don’t learn a list of exercises, learn how to design an unlimited list of movement-based solutions. Exercises are dosed specifically for mechanotherapy, as well as to mobilize joints/fascia, resolve pain and muscle guarding, elevate abnormal movement patterns, combine cervical programs with scapular and upper quarter training. Learn to answer questions for dosage on all variables associated with exercise prescription: resistance (concentric, eccentric, isometric), repetitions, sets, rest, speed, range, and frequency.

Course Cities and Dates

STEP 1: Shoulder and Elbow (Seattle, Washington) May 18-19, 2024

Become Certified

All 6 STEP courses can be combined, along with online learning, projects and examinations, to receive a certification in Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progressions (C-STEP).

STEP Book Series

This exceptional three textbook series edited by Ola Grimsby and Jim Rivard covers the scientific fundamentals related to manual therapy and exercise rehabilitation. As a foundational textbook series for the STEP curriculum, this book series will dramatically increase your knowledge base but also provide examples of decades in clinical practice of apply STEP and MET (medical exercise therapy) concepts.

Purchase STEP ebooks from or

STEP 1 Objectives

Participants will be able to:

• Specifically dose exercises for tissue repair, local circulation, motor learning, coordination, endurance and strength training

• Design shoulder exercises related to specific muscle facilitation, length/tension relationships and multiple resistance training

• Progression of exercises from mobilization to stabilization

• Design combined exercises for the shoulder, scapula and cervical spine

• Create patient specific exercises and protocols for rotator cuff pathology, post-surgical rehab and throwing athletes

Course Schedule

Day One

8:00 Introduction: Evidence for STEP Work Physiology Principles

8:30 Tissue Repair with Training

10:00 Lab: Exercise for Joint Mobilization and RTC Repair

10:30 Exercise Dosage

11:30 Lab: Dosage Testing

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Exercise Design: Force moment for specific muscle recruitment

1:30 Lab: Motor control, coordination and local RTC endurance

2:45 Impingement: Scapula or Glenohumeral problem?

3:30 Lab: Scapular Stabilization

4:00 Ex Progression: Dynamic Stabilization for Shoulder Instability

4:45 Lab: Stabilization Training CW- IW-EW-CW

5:30 Summary

Day Two

8:00 Manipulation: for Motor Recruitment in the UQ

8:30 Lab 5b – Stage I-II program

9:30 Tissue Sparing: Early, Safe, Post-Op Training Concepts

9:45 Project: Classic Protocol Critique / Creating Your Own

10:00 Lab: Beyond MMT—Synergy Testing Cs and Shoulder

10:30 Lab: Cs facilitation during shoulder stabilization training

11:00 Eccentric Work: Tendinopathy, Flexibility and Stabilization

11:30 Lab: Training Tendinopathy and Flexibility

12:00 Lunch


2:00 Workshop: Clinic Reasoning for Impairment Based Exercise Progressions

3:00 Lab: The Throwing Athlete

4:00 Summary

Other STEP Courses

STEP: Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progression Courses

STEP-1: Shoulder and Elbow

STEP-2: Knee and Ankle

STEP-3: Hip and Pelvis

STEP-4: Lumbar and Thoracic Spine

STEP-5: Cervical Spine

STEP-6: Upper Cervical, TMJ, Ocular Systems

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